Tourneys cancelled, payoff to come
The announcement Tuesday was just another drop of bad news in a virtual flood this last month
or however long it has been now. It’s hard to keep up, both with the days and the news. And
when the Illinois High School Association said it was officially cancelling all spring sports state
tournaments, it was no surprise, an inevitable response to Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s earlier decision to
close state schools for the rest of the academic year.But this one still hurt. And like the decisions to cancel proms and graduations and some of the
winter state tournaments, the sting will be felt acutely and linger for a while. -
Some things I remember
They came with their camera crew last spring, bearing glad tidings and detailed questions that made me very nervous because although I remember my years covering the Bulls for the Chicago Tribune very fondly, my recall for details like the terms of Scottie Pippen’s second contract are somewhat sketchy.
The director Jason Hehir and his coordinating producer Jake Rogal could not have been nicer or more patient as I scoured my memory for tidbits they might want to include in their upcoming documentary “The Last Dance.” But what I wanted to say was, “If you ask me about Will Perdue’s shoes or Horace Grant’s aversion to mice or that time Michael threw up, I’m here for you.”