
  • A Girl’s Best Friend is her Blog

    One of the best things about writing a daily blog is you can pour out your heart, express your frustrations, confess your weaknesses and occasionally, when you’re in the mood, embarrass your family.

    You can talk about your son’s piano lessons, your daughter’s new bed and your sister’s old boyfriend, and not get fired.

    “Just, whatever you do, can you leave me out of it?” my daughter Amanda begged tonight as I ran a made-up quote by her. “I think you need to keep your personal and professional lives separate.”

  • My Boys and My Blessings

    My new friend Tom e-mailed me the link to a newspaper column the other day, thinking I would enjoy it.

    I did not.

    The column was by a sportswriter for the Seattle Times, a very good writer named Jerry Brewer, who wrote about going back to his hometown to be inducted into his high school’s hall of fame. But really, it was not about that so much as it was about the writer counting his blessings for being paid for doing what he loves to do – write about sports.